Public Trained On Biodigester Project In Swedru

Over thirty members of the public, including masons and landlords in Agona Swedru have undergone three days intensive training on the benefits and construction of biogester, a new and modernize technology that is gradually replacing manhole for the storage of solid human waste in households.

The three day training saw participants taken through the rudiments of the construction of the facility, the composition and application of chemicals such as Aerobic Bacteria Enzymes used in digesting the solid waste, as well as cost benefits.

Briefing the media at the sidelines of the training, the Managing Director of the Institute, Mr. David Obeng hinted that the invention of the facility is meant to augment the fight against the problem of poor sanitation, particularly open defecation WHICH IS as a result of lack of toilet facilities in many homes.

According to him, apart from being cost effective, the project does not also demand much space and manpower, as compared to the construction of a manhole.

He again hinted that the facility when constructed can last for thirty years without bother of transporting the waste to a dumping site, as all the waste are digested completely by the chemicals whiles the liquid waste could be used as liquid organic manure for agricultural purposes by the household.

He revealed that over two hundred people have already been trained on the project in other parts of the country including Cape Coast, Takoradi and Mankessim.  

By Robert Ayanful


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