Queen Of Akyem Oda Calls For Peace & Calm Over Chieftaincy Disputes

The Queen of Akyem Oda, Nana Akua Asantewaa III, has called on the people of the area to be geared towards ensuring peace and sanity that will foster development.

This she seeks following the fact that the Akyem Kotoku Traditional Council since the death of the Paramount Chief, late Okofrobuor Agyeman Attafua IV, has known no peace as the entire area is characterized by one chieftaincy dispute here and there.

According to her, the disputes have since they begun, involved bloody clashes and gunshots which have led to deaths, injuries and destruction of properties despite efforts by the previous government and other high powered peace brokers to curb the situation.

The Akyem Kotoku Traditional Area according to the queen mother, lost Okofrobuor Agyeman Attafua IV, over 20 years ago, since there, rivalry and disputes have barred the possible installation of a successor.

She said in the year 2000, Nana Frempong Manso IV was installed by the Frempong Manso family as the Paramount Chief of Akyem Kotoku but she ensured that his regency was nullified and disregarded by the help of the Eastern Regional House of Chiefs and the court.

“The feuding faction also in revenge performed customary rights supposed to distool me as Queen mother,” she said.

She noted that developmental projects at Akyem Oda have been very slow due to the incessant chieftaincy disputes between the two respective royal families under the Agona royal household (Atefua and Frimpong Manso).

The Paramount Queen of Akyem Oda Nana Akua Asantewaa III was speaking at the commissioning of the Akyem Asene Chief’s palace where she stated that Akyem Oda is lagging behind in terms of development due these chieftaincy disputes and rivalry in Akyem Oda.

“We cannot make any progress and there is no development because we lack oneness. We cannot do anything progressive because nobody is ready to listen to the other so we keep moving backwards as an area.

She said “people always blame me for the conflict in the area but what I want to tell all and sundry is that we are grown-ups and I think it’s about time we unite to develop Akyem Oda and better the lives of our people,” she added.

She urged the people to let go any mishap that has contributed to the retrogression of the area and come together to the thinking table for the progress of the area.

Nana Akua Asantewaa III further called on the Chiefs and Elders of Akyem Oda to always think about the future of the youth and put them first in all they do.

She expressed bitterness about the current state of the Akyem Oda Chief’s palace and pleaded with the CEO of Memphis Construction to come to the aid of the people in developing Akyem Oda because it is the first place of passage when anyone wants to enter the Akyem area.

Nana Akua Asantewaa III expressed her heratfelt gratitude to Memphis Construction for a beautiful project the have put up for the people of Asene adding that she has since her enstoolment as to Queen of Akyem Oda in the year 1962 ,60 not seen a great thing as such in the Akyem area.

She therefore urged everyone who comes from Akyem Oda to be part of the agenda of peace and progress in the area.


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