Sack Tamale MCE Musah Superior Now! – Group Petitions President

A pressur group, Youth for Justice and Growth has petitioned the President Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo to relieve the Tamale Metropolitan Chief Executive, Hon Musah Superior off his position.

The group in a press statement signed by its executives led by Haruna A. Rashid the MCE on several occasions took decisions that are contrary to the decisions of the party.

“He takes decisions without recourse to regional party executives and constituency party executives under whose jurisdictions he presides,” they stated.

The group also alleged that the Tamale Mayor perpetrated acts for which they consider unhealthy to the wellbeing of the people and as unhealthy to the fortunes of the party.

According to the petition, “Hon Musah Superior has sold contracts to NPP Party members at exorbitant prices (over GhC 120,000) without giving the said contracts to the buyers. This behavior is not only unhealthy but criminal and dangerous and we have evidence to this fact.”

They also mentioned that Hon Musah Superior rents stores to market women at exorbitant prices at the Aboabo market.
“A single unit store costs fourteen thousand Ghana Cedis (GhC 14,400) and this price goes for 48 months only and again,” the petition stated.

Hon Musah Superior is also accused of disrespect for party structures and takes decisions which can ruin the fortunes of the party in the Northern Region and more especially the Tamale metropolitan area.

According to the group Hon Musah Superior has directed all school feeding caterers to pay 10% of their reimbursed funds to his office to enable him support party activities.
With this, the group has challenged him to point one activity of the party he has ever performed or supported using funds accrued from the caterers.

“You can see clearly that these negative behaviors shown by the Metropolitan Chief Executive can ruin the fortunes of the party in the region as well as the two constituencies (Tamale Central and Tamale South) which Hon Musah Superior has no regards or respect for the executives,” they said.

The group, Youth for Justice and Growth has called on his Excellency the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to listen to their plea and dismiss Hon Superior as Metropolitan Chief Executive of Tamale “to avoid further irreparable damage he is presently causing to the metropolis and the party.”

The said petition was sent to the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo, Chief of Staff, Minister for Local Government and Rural Development, Minister for Information, Northern Regional Minister and the Regional Chairman of NPP.

Meanwhile, the MCE Musah Superior has on many platform justified reason behind his disrespect to the party leadership in the region and his cohesive stands towards party machinery, claiming to have been directly appointed by the president and therefore answerable to him only and not other structures.


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