Sad: Security Officials Beat Freight Forwarder In Aflao

…For Taking Selfie On His Way To Work, Thinking He Was Capturing Their ‘Shady Deals’

A 39-year-old freight forwarder with Samtashie Africa Ltd., Wonder Amemassor have been brutally assaulted by officials of Immigration, Military, Customs and Police services on March 30, 2022 on his way to work.

The attacks, this paper has gathered, was launched on him by these officials when they saw him using his mobile phone to take pictures on his way to work.

The victim, who resides at beat 9 in Aflao at about 10 o’clock in the morning was using his usual route to work, beat 7 route, which is close to where the said officers are stationed, when he was attacked.

This paper gathered that, Wonder Amemassor was taking a selfie of himself on his way to work when he was approached by a lady immigration officer.

The officer confronted him and demanded to know what he was doing.

According to information, Wonder Amemassor told the immigration officer that he was only taking a selfie and handed over his phone to the officer to verify for herself.

After receiving the phone and without checking what Wonder Amemassor was actually doing with the phone, the immigration officer gave him a slapped which he blocked with his arms.

Other security officers from the military, police and Customs pounced on Wonder Amemassor and started beating him with their weapons as if he was a criminal.

Wonder Amemassor was later sent to the Aflao border where, according to information, the Sector Commander Mr Duodu allegedly confirmed that he (Mr Duodu) directed the security agencies to beat Wonder Amemassor up because he was taking video of them.

The officers later called the police for his arrest after beating him to pulp.

The police took his caution statement, granted him bail and issued a medical form for him to attend hospital for treatment.

Meanehile, speaking to some residents in Aflao, they claimed the victim was brutalized because the officers were afraid he was filming their alleged shady deals.

In an interview with the Managing Dirctor of Samtashie Africa Ltd., and the Vice Chaoirm of Ketu South New Patriotic Party (NPP), Daniel Akpaloo he confirmed the incident and described his employee’s conditrion as terrible.

He said it is about time people put pressure on those whom power is given to do the right thing by upholding the law.

“…or make a new law so that people can be free from the current trend of violence we as citizens face in the hands of these security forces. The citizens of this country have absolute freedom to stay in the territories of the state of Ghana in adherence with the law and applicable regulations.”

He also averred that the the military, immigration and the other forces have bben noted and always accused of flouting justice by beating people without cause.

“They dug their heels in and created major problems for government,” he said and explained that, “At that unapproved route called beat 7 where military police,  immigration and Customs are deployed, there are arms smuggling ongoing at that end in the presence of those security forces that were deployed. A lot of arms have been smuggled into the country already under the supervision of some service men who have been deployed over there, so I believe my staff’s action of taking a selfie triggered their fears hence the attacks on him.”

He however indicated that this is the time the security forces must be vigilant and watch the infiltration of Islamic insurgents who are constantly using the unapprove route at beat 7 to enter Ghana, adding that “If care is not taken there will be a coup.”

“Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders and the courage to preserves our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it,” he asked.

Daniel Akpaloo also averred that people are brutally suppressed by the military that are deployed to help and prevent crime and protect lives and the government should take steps to address and confront this scourge of mass atrocity by the security forces, especially the military in the country.

He also alleged that the Immigration sector Commander, Mr Duodu is the architect of all that is happening at beat 7 since according to his men, he tasked them to bring certain amounts of money to his office on a daily basis and because they don’t have any choice, they have decided to subdue the people and get money for him.

He said: “The failure to prosecute these acts and ensure accountability will deny victims proper remedy potentially encouraging the continued perpetration of human rights violations by the security forces.”

Meanwhile when the Sector Commander was contacted, he said all information is with the police.

The case however has been referred to the Ho Regional Police Command for investigations.

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