Sege MP Condemns Luhor, Bornikope Brutalities On Police And Electrochem Workers

The Member of Parliament for Sege, Christian Corletey Otuteye has condemned recent attacks on some police officers and Electrochem workers by some youths from Luhor and Bornikope as the company embarks on a project to develop pans and enhance productivity by both local folks and the company.

The MP also describes as unfortunate the reprisal attack by the police and called on all parties involved in the impasse to seek for the common interest of the Ada Traditional area.

Some youths of Luhor and Bornikorpe along the Songor Lagoon attacked police officers and workers of Electrochem Ghana Limited when the workers visited the communities as part of the Songor Salt development project initiatives to grow the salt industry for both the locals and the nation.

Some persons who are involved in “Achiakpo” (illegal salt wining) and feel their operations would be affected by the effort to expand the salt industry, have persistently opposed the ongoing Songor Salt project led by Electrochem Ghana Limited.

Officials of the company say their workers have been persistently attacked by some recruited youths by the few such persons with selfish interest.

On the 20th of October 2021, workers of Electrochem Ghana Limited in the company of some police personnel were attacked by some youths from Luhor and Bonikorpe. Both the workers and police officers were wounded and youth also took away weapons belonging to the police.

On the 22nd of October, some angry police officers also launched a reprisal attack to also look for their weapons.

Some innocent community folks decry the actions of the police.

Reacting to the lamentations of the people the Member of Parliament for the Sege Christian Corletey Otuteye describes the impasse as unnecessary and condemnable. “l called on my people and the police to live in harmony as the police are there to protect us” he added.

He further called on the Paramount Chief of the Ada Traditional area, Nene Abram Akoako to engage stakeholders to bring an end to the fued.

Reacting to the recent happening, the Public Relations Officer of the Electrochem Ghana Limited Bernard Korley noted that the Company has the welfare of the people at heart and would ensure the local folks benefit from the Songor Lagoon even far more than what they used to make.

He noted the company is rather dredging to supply more brine water to ensure local folks maximize their production.

“We have already given out over three million Cedis as interest free loan to many women in the communities.

‘I wonder why some few people would want to oppose such great opportunity that has come to the many people in the area.

He also noted that the Company has already employed about thousand workers and such oppositions from the few would put many peoples livelihood at risk.

‘I can say that many of the people, about 95 percent are with Electrochem to develop the sea industry in Ada.

He said the company will continue to remain committed to ensuring the maximization of the salt benefits to the community and the nation.

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