The Suhum Municipal Chief Executive, Hon Margaret Darko Darkwah has finally broken the silence after plot to dent her image and divert attention from the massive developmental projects ongoing in the municipality by some media elements faking and cooking reports to suit their intentions and that of their paymasters and sell them to the public.

She had initially refused to give audience to the media and journalists despite the extent of damage those false reportages are causing her high earned reputation, she considers it as distracting her attention from the task assigned her by the President, His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo. She has remained focused and resolute in her endeavors.

The reports which suggest that the Hon MCE has overpriced projects contracts to enrich herself, the Hon MCE has set the records straight during the grand durbar of the 19th Suhum Odwira festival celebration. The President’s representative was touched to respond to the media by a section of the speech delivered by the Paramount Chief of the land, Osabarima Ayeh Kofi who addressed the youth to desist from taking delight in fabricating lies against leaders which is tantamount to raining insults at them. This Osabarima Ayeh Kofi described as non ethical to the Ghanaian cultural values and attract curse not only to ourselves but onto the entire family.

In setting the records straight, the Hon MCE refutes the media reports that she has used one hundred and sixty thousand Ghana cedis (GH¢160,000) to construct three unit classroom block without toilet and staff common room at Adarkwa. Instead the Hon MCE said the contract sum for the project is one hundred thousand Ghana cedis (GH¢100,000). According to her the structure was supposed to be a two unit classroom block to replace the collapsed building which the pre school pupils were occupying but the Adarkwa community pleaded that the Assembly rather extend it to be a three unit classroom so it can cater for more pupils which the Hon MCE and the Assembly considered. She wonders what has been motivating those media elements to seek to defame hardworking personalities. She took consolation for the fact that her long silence didn’t mean concerned but the same news paper which reported the false reportage(the new crusading guide) upon second thought reconciled with the truth and has created same space for a rejoinder and rendered an unqualified apology to the Hon MCE and the Assembly.

The Hon MCE congratulated Osabarima Ayeh Kofi and his Elders on their 19th Odwira festival celebration and appreciated the willingness they show to the development of Suhum. She assured them of the president’s commitment to make sure that Suhum gets its fair share of the national cake. She also took the opportunity to enumerate some major projects through her by the President within her one and a half year in office which includes educational Infrastructure, health, employment, security, roads, sanitation and many more. She entreated all to support the developmental agenda she and the President have brought on board to lift up the image of Suhum and Ghana as a whole.

According to her the NABCO initiative by the President which seeks to curb the unemployment situation especially among graduates, Suhum Municipality has so far out of the three hundred (300) graduates expected to be enrolled into the program, two hundred and sixty (260) have been alerted whiles the remaining forty (40) are awaiting to join their colleagues.

In revealing the long awaited good news to traders, farmers and artisans, the Hon MCE announced that the NPP Government under the able leadership of His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwah Akufo Addo has refurbished the account of MASLOC which was drained and mismanaged by the erstwhile NDC administration leading to it’s collapsed. She entreated women especially to take advantage of it to revamp their businesses.

Dignitaries present includes: Hon Frederick Opare Ansah MP for Suhum, hon Margaret Ansei former mce of Suhum, Hon Fletcher kwabi former mce for Suhum, hon Alhasan Presiding Member of the Assembly, the District Police Commander and his lieutenants.


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