Swedru Chief Looses Land Case Against Gyaasehene

A seven-member panel of eminent Chiefs chaired by the Chief of Agona Asafo has ruled against the Chief of Agona Swedru who is also the Adontenhene of Agona Nyakrom Traditional Area, Nana Kobina Botwe II in a case he brought against the Chief of Mahodwe in Agona Swedru, Nana Kwame Donkor V.

Nana Kobina Botwe II was claiming that the Chief of Mahodwe in Agona Swedru, Nana Kwame Donkor V, who is also the Gyaasehene of Agona Nyakrom Traditional Area is illegally occupying his large tracts of land located at Attakwa, a farming community in Swedru.

The Swedruhene had earlier claimed that the said land does not share boundary with any other land in the area, but this was challenged in a cross examination by the spokesperson for the Gyaase Stool Opanin Kobina Amoah who claimed the land in  contention belongs to the Gyaase Stool and mentioned all the boundaries.

But, after four months of deliberation and a visit to the land among other considerations, including interviews with occupants of the land, the panel finally ruled against the Swedruhene, Nana Konina Botwe, dismissing his claim that said land does not share boundaries with any land.

The panel found during the visit that, there were old-aged boundaries demarcating the land and the other lands surrounding it.

The ruling was also based on the fact that, all the occupants of the land admitted paying homage and royalties to the Gyaase Stool for decades now and not the Swedruhene.

The panel later awarded a cost of GH 500.00 Cedis against Nana Konina Botwe.

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