Swedru constituency seat is not family stool…Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko has said.

The Member of Parliamentary for Akyem Swedru constituency in the Birim South District Eastern Region, who doubles as the chairman of the roads committee in Parliament, Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko, has said there’s no law in Ghana that states the number of terms an MP has to spend in office before he steps down for another candidate to continue.

The Member of Parliament stated in an interview with the media after the Adwumara Toaso health walk that there are some people in Akyem Swedru constituency who are calling him to step aside so that a new candidate can continue to be the MP for the area because he has been MP for the area for three terms.

He said he wants to set the record straight: there’s no law in the constitution that states the number of terms an MP is supposed to run for an election; once the people in Akyem Swedru constituency say he should continue to be the MP for the area and do the projects he is doing there, he will continue.

The Swedru constituency seat is not a family seat that one can say if you have occupied the seat small, let’s another person continue is not like that.

This is politics, so you contest for an election if you win fine, if you don’t win, you take it like that.

Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko said looking at the developmental projects he is doing in the constituency, there’s no MP, whether former or future, who can compete with him for the work he has done so far in the Akyem Swedru constituency.

He said he will continue to bring more projects to the constituency.

Report by Samuel Quaye.

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