Tag: Afrobarometer

Afrobarometer’s Josephine Sanny named IPR Discovery of the Year

Afrobarometer Knowledge Translation Manager Josephine Appiah-Nyamekye Sanny was honored as Public Relations Discovery of the Year 2020 at the Institute of Public Relations (IPR) Ghana Excellence Awards Friday in Akosombo, Ghana. The award recognizes individuals “who demonstrated ability, capacity, and tremendous professional development in the field of public relations and […]

COVID-19: Ghanaians willingness to accept Security-related restrictions widespread – Afrobarometer

Most Ghanaians are willing to accept restrictions on their freedom of movement, such as curfews and roadblocks, in times of security threats. That’s the finding of a national Afrobarometer survey conducted in late 2019, before the current COVID-19 pandemic and its attendant lockdown in Greater Accra and the Ashanti region. […]

Majority Of Ghanaians Say; Level Of Corruption In Ghana Increased – Afrobarometer

New Afrobarometer study has shown that more than half of Ghanaians believe the level of corruption in the country has increased and the government is doing a poor job in fighting it. The Afrobarometer Round 8 survey which was released by the Center for Democratic Development (CDD) shows that approval […]

Gov’t Performance On Economy Poor – Majority Of Ghanaians

A new Afrobarometer study has shown that Ghanaians’ approval ratings on indicators of their government’s economic performance have declined sharply compared to 2017. According to the survey, few citizens are content with the country’s economic situation and their personal living conditions, whilst majority say the country is headed in the […]

‘Accurate, reliable information’ needed to enrich African democracy and development, former President Obasanjo says

Africa’s future depends on “accurate, reliable information” to enrich its democracy and ensure its development progress, former Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo told British parliamentarians and thought leaders. In his keynote address to the Afrobarometer/University of Strathclyde Conference on “Public Opinion, Democratic Governance, and Inclusive Development in Africa” in Glasgow, Scotland, […]

Afrobarometer: Over One Third Africans Consider Emigrating Motivated By Hunger

A recent Afrobarometer Survey report reveals that more than one-third of Africans have considered emigrating, including about half of young adults and highly educated citizens. In the third of its Pan-Africa Profiles based on recent public-opinion surveys in 34 African countries, Afrobarometer reports that on average, about one in five […]

SDG 8 Tops Priority For Africans – Afrobarometer Findings Reveal


The Afrobarometer PanAfrican Profile report which was released today by the Centre for Democratic Development (CDD) indicates that majority of Africans have placed priority on achieving the SDG 8 which is looking at achieving descent work and economic growth . According to the report, Democracy and Political Rights are the […]

Afrobarometer Wraps Up Public-Attitude Survey With Over 50,000 Interviews In 34 Countries

Afrobarometer has successfully completed over 50,000 interviews in 34 countries as means of wrapping up it’s data collection for the seventh pan-African round of public-attitude surveys. Despite a challenging funding cycle that threatened to severely curtail its activities, the network succeeded in carrying out its planned surveys in all regions […]

Afrobarometer: ‘Zimbabweans Reject Military Rule, Support Democracy’

Zimbabwe’s political crisis will play out against a backdrop of substantial public trust in the army but a clear rejection of military rule in favour of democracy. Almost two-thirds of Zimbabweans said in an Afrobarometer survey in January-February 2017 that they trust the army at least “somewhat.” But even more […]