Tag: Importers And Exporters

Importers And Exporters Condemn Shipping Lines For Excessively Increasing Their Charges 

The Importers and Exporters Association of Ghana has chastised shipping line companies for their excessive increase in charges at Ghana’s Ports According to the Executive Secretary of the Importers and Exporters Association of Ghana, Mr. Sampson Asaki GPHA increased its fees for the shipping lines by only USD 35. However, […]

Importers And Exporters Keen On Fostering A Stronger Relationship With GPHA To Development The Industry

The Importers and Exporters Association of Ghana, together with key players in the port and trade sector, have paid a working visit to the Management of GPHA to familiarize themselves with developments in the organization. Sampson Asaki, the Executive Secretary of the Importers and Exporters Association, expressed his outfit’s keen […]