Tamale Goes Agog as Regional Minister Cuts Sod for Northern Solid & Liquid Treatment Plant

Hon. Alhaji Salifu Sa-eed, the northern regional Minster has cut the 13th sod for the construction of the Northern Solid & Liquid Treatment Facility at Gbalahi in the Tamale North Constituency.

His Excellency Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo has already cut sods in the following regions Ahafo,Bono, Bono East,Oti,Eastern,Western North,Upper East,Upper West with Greater Accra and Ashanti Region in operations.

It will be recalled that President Akufo-Addo declared to make  Ghana the cleanest City in Africa by the end of his term in office.

Addressing the gathering before the sod cutting, the managing Director for Zoomlion Ghana Limited, Madam Florence Larbi expressed her profound gratitude to the good people of Tamale on behalf of the executive Chairman of the Jospong Group Dr. Joseph Siaw Agyepong.

The metropolitan chief Executive of Tamale Hon. Musah Superior in his Welcome address commended President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and the Jospong Group for siting the Treatment Facility in the northern regional capital.

“This occasion is so special to myself and the sagnarigu Municipal assembly. Today’s meeting is important because we will have solutions to our Sanitation problem. I’m delighted on behalf of the chiefs, people of Tamale that this project is been done nationwide. Let me thank the President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo for his commitment to the people of northern region.

He also commended and assure to support the Jospong Group of Companies(JGC) and it’s partners to ensure the project is completed on time.

Mrs. Florence Larbi, The managing Director of Zoomlion Ghana Limited in her address on behalf of the Executive Chairman of the Jospong Group showed gratitude to President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo and the chiefs of Tamale.

“Let me applaud the President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo led government for his commitment to the Sanitation sector. This plant will be equipped with modern facilities. In addition other recyclable materials will be processed here.
It will be built to a capacity that will serve Tamale.

The solid waste treatment Plant will take four months while the water project will take 12 months to be completed. She also stated that the total cost of the entire project will be €20million euros.

The Facility will provide job indirectly to 1500 and direct job to 250 including engineers and staffs. It will also reduce the unemployment rate in the region.

She therefore thanked the Minister for Sanitation Hon. Cecilia Abena Dapaah for her support to the Jospong Group and also to the group’s partners for making the vision Possible.

The Chief of Gbalahi Naa Mahama Sayibu also thanked the government and the Jospong Group.

On behalf of the people of this area I appreciate what you have done for us we Thank you a lot especially regional minister and Hon musah Superior. He also appealed to the regional Minster Hon. Alhaji Salifu Sa-eed and the MCE Hon. Musah Superior to consider their roads.

Mr. Sulemana Yakubu northern regional environmental health officer addressing the mammoth crowd gathered to witness the historic event reading the Speech on behalf of Hon. Cecilia Abena Dapaah, Minster of Sanitation and water resources hinted the readiness of the ministry to partner the Jospong Group for their selfless efforts in making sure the President’s initiative is achieved.
He also commended the Jospong Group for playing a major role during and after the Covid-19 pandemic.
Appreciation was showed to the Traditional leaders and the people of Tamale for their tremendous support to the Nana Addo Dankwa led government.

The northern regional Minster Hon. Alhaji Salifu Saed in his keynote address outlined measures put in place by government to provide support to the Private sector businesses.

“I am humbly today to stand in the shoes of President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo to steer the affairs of this historic program. He expressed his excitement about the Facility which will help the residents in Tamale and it’s environs. Sanitation issues needs to be approach holistically. It will enhance the cleaness to the Almighty Allah and God Almighty because we say Cleanliness is next to Godliness.The projects that we are witnessing today is as results of the peace in the region. The waste generated in the region will be transform into organic manure and also boost the planting for food and jobs”.

Alhaji Saed further on appealed to the traditional leaders to preach Peace to their residents. He expressed appreciation to the Government for giving the people of their share of the national cake.

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