Tension In Hwakpo As Self-styled Chief Demolishes Peoples’ Buildings

Tension is gradually brewing in the Hwakpo community as the youth of the community at bracing for war after Isaac Adi Buertey Puplampu also known as Hakpo who is considered a self-styled chief, without provocation, led thugs to demolish a native’s house.

The victimized family which is the Ackwerh family are putting up a befitting structure as royals of the Hwakpo community towards an upcoming funeral.

But Isaac Adi Buertey Puplampu stormed the project site in the company of armed land guards to demolish the ongoing project and bolted away.

Angry youth of the community say they have had enough of the self-styled chief and threatening a showdown should he surface in the community.

The youth leaders in the community have reported the issue to the police.

The police investigator on matter, Savior Wortordzor tells newsmen that the culprit is being searched for to aid in their investigation.

Attempts to speak to Isaac Adi Buertey Puplampu AKA Hakpo has proven futile as he dropped the line in the attempt by this reporter to get his side of the story.

Isaac Adi Buertey Puplampu has lost several cases including the hearing at the Ada Traditional Council and the High Court over his claim over the Hwakpo Stool against the Ackwerh family.

The Ackwerh family have held that their grandmother was given the Hwakpo land as compensation for serving as Trokoshi on behalf of the major clan.

“The Hwakpo community was given to her because per tradition she has become an outcast from the clan she laid her life and dignity down for,” The Stool Father Numo Gideon Ackwerh in an interview intimated that because their grandmother can’t join the major clan, her property can only be given to her children hence the Ackwerhs are the royals of Hwakpo.

According to him and per documents made available to journalists shows that successive chiefs have come from the Ackwerh family until recently just after the demise of a caretaker chief, one Isaac Adi Buertey Puplampu AKA Hakpo began to parade himself as chief of the Hwakpo community.

“Ask him if he has been gazetted or if he is recognized at the traditional council” he quizzed.

According to the youth of the community, they have had enough of the attacks from Isaac Adi Buertey Pulpampu and have indicated that the Ackwehs have been hard at the self-styled chief and so finding them as inconveniencing his reign through legal and customary norms, Isaac Adi Buertey Puplampu has adopted every physical means to match the Ackwehs boot-for-boot.

Despite a court injunction prohibiting sand winning on the property of the Ackwehs, the self-styled chief, with blatant disregard and perhaps calling the bluff of the court order, continues to win sand on the land.

When Isaac Adi Buertey Puplampu was contacted to enquire his reason for allegedly ordering the demolition of the Ackwehs’ building and his alleged disregard for the court order to stop sand winning on the land belonging to the Ackwehs, he held in defence that he is still a chief.

Meanwhile the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs have issued a statement to warn persons who are not gazetted to stop holding themselves as such or face their wrath.

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