Terror attack reports on Accra Mall false – Police


The Ghana Police Service has dispelled rumours of a supposed terror attack on Accra mall.

According to the police there were reports on social media that the incident occurred at the mall on Sunday.

“The Police this [Sunday] afternoon monitored information on social media that a group of terrorist had attacked the Accra mall.The police on receiving the information conducted a security checks on the mall and found the information to be false,” a statement from the police and sighed by Director-General of the Public Affairs Unit, Assistant Commissioner of Police, David E. Eklu added.

The police in the statement further cautioned persons behind such false information to desist from it “since it has serious implications for the security of the whole country.

The police further assured that it is investigating to identify those behind the false information “for necessary action to be taken.”

Canada, UK issues terror attack alert in Ghana

The false terror report comes on the back of a terror alert the Canadian government issued to its citizens traveling to Ghana in August 2017.

“There is a threat of terrorism. Terrorist targets could include shopping malls, government buildings, public areas such as bars, restaurants, hotels and sites frequented by Westerners. Be aware of your surroundings in public places,” a notice posted by the Canadian government added.

The United Kingdom also in August added to Ghana’s terrorism concerns with travel advice on its website indicating that “terrorists are likely to try to carry out attacks in Ghana.”

“While there have been no recent attacks in Ghana, terrorist groups in west Africa have demonstrated their capability and intent by mounting attacks in 2015 and 2016 in Côte d’Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Mali, targeting beach resorts, hotels, cafes and restaurants visited by foreigners,” UK stated on its website.

Security services in Ghana in April 2016 warned of such terror attacks on the country but later said enough measures had been put in place to avert terrorism.
Source: citifmonline.com

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