Trouble Looms At Offuman Ahead Of Chief’s Installation

The youth and people of Offuman are threatening fire and brim stone ahead of today’s installation of Ameyaw Bawuah Collins as Chief of Offuman in the Brong East Region in the light of an unresolved chieftaincy dispute that is still pending at the court.
There has been a protracted chieftaincy issues pending at the Brong Ahafo High Court in the last ten years as to who is the rightful occupant of the Offuman Stool.
The case is between Nana Asiedu Gyamerah who was elected by the Kingmakers and Kwame Boakye who is also the Queenmother’s brother.
Along the line, Nana Asiedu Gyamerah passed away and the expectation was that Kwame Boakye was the next likely candidate but to the surprise of the youth and people of Offuman the queenmother Nana Amobea has rather introduced her own son Ameyaw Bawuah Collins and is preparing to install him as chief today at the blind side of the Kingmakers.
The royal family also alleges not to know anything about the installation except the Queen Mother and her husband who is also Ankobeahene of the council and the Krontihene
Our source also indicated that as a matter of fact some members of the royal family tried to resist this move but unfortunately, police and military have been brought to Offuman to protect what they described as illegal move.
They said, what pains them most is the fact the Offuman is largely NPP base whilst the Queen mother and her cohorts happen to be NDC functionaries and yet the sitting NPP MP in that area is sitting aloof therefore they have resolved to boycott the election if this move goes ahead.
Attempt to reach the Queenmother for her side of the story on this development, her personal assistant who answered her phone indicated that he won’t tolerate nonsense inquisition from any journalist and that they are acting under the instructions of Asantehene.
All to attempts to reach the MP through several phone calls and text messages have proved futile as the youth plan to face-off or resist the installation.
History of the area has it that a similar situation happened in 1981 where a chief who was wrongfully installed led to the death of Offuman Manhene and some of his children and was captured in the newspapers.(PIONEER Friday December 4, 1981 and Daily Graphic, Monday January 3, 1994.)

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