Watch: Apostle Francis Amoako Attah’s Prophesy Over Queen Elizabeth’s End

Another mindblowing video has emerged from the man of God, who has earned the name THE SEER globally for his accurate prophecies, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah.

First, it was a prophesy he revealed on August 4, 2022,, about the victory of Liz Truss as the next UK Prime Minister; which was fulfilled.

Videos have emerged revealing the death and the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth; Queen of England.

In the said video, the SEER, was heard revealing that from the beginning of the month of September to the end, is the beginning of certain Kingdoms.

“From the beginning till the end of this month, is the beginning and the end of certain Kingdoms, certain eras, certain governmental heads, certain leaders. It is the beginning and the end,” he said.

Apostle Francis Amoako Attah was speaking on Angel Fm on 18th January 2022, 7th June 2022, and again on 6th September 2022, where he made similar revelations about the end of Queen Elizabeth.

Interestingly, two days after making the September 6, 2022 revelation, the Queen was reported dead.

“I raised my head in the evening and I saw the month at one place, rolling, and I started having vision, Peoples. faces and names kept appearing until it came to Queen Elizabeth; beaming like fire, it quenched suddenly. This shows her end.”

He said he saw the woman very sick and was taken in an ambulance to the hospital, and soon after her 70-anniversary celebration, the Queen was taken ill and was rushed to the hospital but she never returned.

“By Tuesday her reign has come to an end,” Apostle Francis Amoako Attah said.

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