Women Organizer Post: Gomoa West NPP Clamour For Hikmatu Yahaya Iddi

Supporters of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) in the Gomoa West Constituency are rooting for Hikmatu Yahaya Iddi as their Women Organizer.

According to them, the NPP can only break the 8 and put the NDC in perpetual opposition when the party gets support from hardworking women.

They also indicated that the victory of the NPP in the next election falls heavily on the caliber of women the party elected as Women Organizers in the various Constituencies.

They averred that Hikmatu Yahaya Iddi has been supportive of women activities in the constituency which culminated in the success of the party in the area.

They also appealed to the party supporters to consider her competence and her ability to deliver in ensuring victory of the party in the constituency.

“Hikmatu Yahaya Iddi has been able to make the party very attractive to women in our constituency. She was able to bring even members of the NDC who are women into our fold, and this we think is good sign that when we elect her as our Women Organizer, she will help us win the votes from the women.”

According to the supporters, the NPP needs women who can work extra hard towards victory 2024 for the NPP since the victory of the party is in their hands.

The appealed to the women to enter into market places, weddings, naming ceremonies and other social gatherings to drum into the ears of the public the need to vote for Hikmatu Yahaya Iddi as the Women Organizer for Gomoa West.

They said they believe in the vision of Hikmatu Yahaya Iddi who is ever ready to build the Women’s Wing in the constituency to make sure the party wins in the region.

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