The founder and leader of Wise Virgin International Pastor Georgina Adomako has called on women to recognize their potentials as agents of change and take their places as partners in development.

Women have to be aware and conscious of their rights and be able to assert them, she said.
Pastor Georgina Adomako said women must strategize as corporate entities to put their development agenda forward and to reject the notion that a woman’s place was the kitchen and for procreation.

She noted that the right of women to enjoy decent standards of living and participate fully in national development was not an option but mandatory if the country was to see any meaningful development.

It would be an uphill task but with determination they could succeed in bringing themselves up to stand side by side with their male counterparts.

Women over the centuries had played significant roles and contributed immensely in shaping and moving the nation forward but unfortunately they were marginalized and unable to realize their full potential due to poverty and dehumanizing cultural practices.

She said if women were given the same opportunities as men, they would be able to contribute meaningfully to national development.

Story by Odiyifo Yaw Charles.

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