Yarkor “Chavez” Annan Wants Government To Support Female Boxers


Ghana’s first female pugilist,Yarkor Chavez, popularly known as “Yarkor Chavez has made a passionate appeal to the government of Ghana to support female boxers.

Speaking to Yours Truly, she said it is not easy going for training and doing other chores to complement the sport.

According to the first female boxer in Ghana who decided to take up professional boxing, the road to the top has never been easy after 25 years and she wants to quit next year, if no support comes.

Yarkor who started boxing under the tutelage of crack coaches like the late Dzanie Alloway, Quartelai Quartey (senior brother of Ike Quartey) and now Mohammed Martey said females have many challenges and problems, so the government should find ways of meeting their demands.

She said not every female can box, but she has taken it up as a profession, and has done much, but support from the Ministry of Youth & Sports and the National Sports Authority (NSA) is not forthcoming.

According to Chavez, there are other young female boxers in the amateur ranks who must be helped.

“Finding them employment in the security forces or taking them back to school will not be a bad idea” she said.

She hinted that after so many years representing the nation as the only female boxer, she has not achieved her heart’s desire; however she has traveled and knows countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, Russia and Australia.
She noted that fighting away from home is very difficult as most often she does not reach the tournament destination on time or the opponent may be too bigger in weight and taller, yet they have to fight, and that caused her slipping on her fight record.

She said because of the money, she will fight and lose, but it does not feel ashamed for losing since boxing is a sport and any boxer can win, lose or draw.
She thanked the few media outlets in Ghana that have exposed her to the world and also the Women In Sports NGO for recognizing and rewarding her recently. She gave special mention to Alhaji Inusah for his contribution to her life as a sports woman.

Story by Sammy Heywood Okine

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