KNUST SRC ELECTIONS: SRC Will Witness Unflinching Development Under My Leadership – Mohammed Ali

The Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science Technology(KNUST) will soon go to the polls to elect the leadership of the Students Representative Council (SRC) to steer the affairs of the council for the next year.

A young vibrant, courageous, Mohammed Ali has also joined the race to vie for the SRC Presidential slot. Mohammed Ali was once a victim of the brutality during the KNUST students demostration in the year 2018. Mr. Ali believes students should be accorded the necessary rights and privileges.

Ali in an interview hinted that the Council will witness unflinching development when voted as the President. It will also see a gender inclusive and students advocacy movement.

“First of all, I want to thank the Almighty Allah for this day and secondly to the students of the Kwame Nkrumah University Of Science and Technology(KNUST). As a humble servant, I’m calling on them to vote for me hopefully in July when we go to the polls and I assure them I will deliver beyond target”.

According to him, he is a grassroots man and knows the problems of the students and has pledged to fix them when voted into office as SRC President.

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