Ada Has Benefitted Greatly From Electrochem Operations – Ada Youth Forum

The Ada Youth Forum For Development has emphasized that there is unprecedented development of the Songhor lagoon and are optimistic that before the lease ends, Ada will be a better place to live.

The Group comprising the youth from the Ada communities, held a peaceful march in commemoration of Electrochem Ghana Limited’s one year of taking over the Songor Lagoon.

Addressing the mammoth gathering of people who gathered for the march, Ernest Kugblenu indicated that the people of Ada especially, the youth have benefitted immensely from the activities of Electrochem Ghana Limited.

He assured the good people of Ada and the Ada traditional council that they will not relent, but fight for the development of Ada not for any personal interest.

Once again, from all indications, it is clear that the so called aggrieved persons has no substance and are been driven by mischief. Even with the mischief, it was poorly and incompetently executed as they are yet table their alternative minds.

They expressed gratitude to the traditional council, Government and stakeholders for giving a facelift to the Songor lagoon by leasing it to the Electrochem Ghana and how rapidly the company is developing the lagoon just in a year.

“We are happy for the employment of indigenes of Ada by Electrochem Gh Ltd and other benefits yet to be enjoyed by the good people of Ada.”

He however referred to a letter purportedly authored by one sub Chief, addressed to the paramount chief, Nene Abram Kabu Akuaku III and the entire Ada state on issues regarding the fate of Electrochem’s takeover of the Songor Lagoon.

The letter, according to him, sought to attack everyone who supported the development of the Songor Lagoon by Electrochem and was replete with numerous unsubstantiated allegations and blatant falsehoods intended to court public disaffection, and to also question Nene Ada’s competence in handling the state of Ada.

“As a youth group in Ada and a development oriented one as such whose interest is Ada’s development and having been privy to all the facts surrounding the matter in issue, we feel compelled to correct the mischievous lies peddled by the writer, and accordingly set the records straight in order to inform the general public with a factual rendition of all the circumstances regarding this matter.”


They emphasised the lease agreement which is now a public document stating clearly that the agreement is for fifteen [15] years and not fifty [50] years as was purportedly alleged.

He also stated that the cry for the master plan is one aspect of the agitation, but asked “What at all is in the master plan that we are yet to see in this takeover agreement by the Ada state and the investor {ELECTROCHEM GH LTD}???”

“The master plan asked that there should be cooperatives formed in the various communities around the Songor lagoon and the plan has recognized seven of such, but what is happening with the introduction of the community pans by Electrochem Gh Ltd, which allows every community around the lagoon to have direct access to its own pan and to be managed by the community itself is one that deserve a lot of recommendation since it gives more people access to the lagoon than what the master plan sought to do.”

They believe this will rather promote and grant bigger access to artisanal mining thereby improving the livelihood of the people.

“As we speak today, the number of canoes we are currently seeing on the lagoon is unprecedented. Fishing is back to live in the songor,” Ernest Kugblenu said.

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