Akim Oda MP Donates Computers To School.

The Member of Parliament for Akim Oda constituency in the Birim Central Municipality Eastern Region Hon William Agyepong Quaittoo as part of effort to boost ICT learning in the country has donates 25 Desk Computers worth GH 15,000 to two schools in the Akim Oda Constituency.

Out of the 25 Computers donated by the Member of Parliament Wesley Methodist School receive 15 whiles Presbyterian Mixed Basic School also receive 10 Computers.

Wesley Methodist School ICT center which was built by the Birim Central Municipal Assembly in the year 13th Febuary 2014, before can only boost of two computer which was given to them by the Assembly Member of the area Hon Castro Adei.

The Member of Parliament for Akim Oda Constituency addressing the Media during the presentation stated that the Assembly Member for Akim Oda Estate Hon Castro Adei always talk to him about how the ICT Center has been left iddle in the school so he thought its wise to help the school get Computer so that its will help enhance the knowledge of the student in ICT.

According to him now the world has change to Technology era and he believe the computers will help boost the knowledge of the student in the ICT.

He urged the children to take advantage of the computer to make themselves computer literate.

The Headmaster of Wesley Methodist School Mr. Yaw Owusu Aduomi commended the Member of Parliament for given them the computers and also pleaded with him to help them buy books for their library.

The ICT teacher of Wesley Methodist School Mr. Emmanuel Opoku said the computers will help the student in their practicals and also it will help them know how to create data and so on.

The students of Wesley Methodist School thank the Member of Parliament For such kind gesture and also added that the computer will enhance their knowledge in ICT.

Hon Castro Adei Assembly Member for Akim Oda Estate expressed his appreciation for the gesture and said the computers will help to enhance teaching and learning of ICT practically in the area.

Local manager of Presbyterian Mixed Basic  school who is also the District Minister Of the Presbyterian Church Akim Oda Rev Mrs. Elizabeth C.B Aduama said they know one day they will receive something like that but they did not know it will be so fast like that so she thank the Member of Parliament for the  donation.

She said the computer will help the bring student who like Technology but don’t like learning to the class room and also help the student in their ICT exams.

Report by Samuel Quao.

Eastern Region.

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