Alhaji Mugiz Commend Damaz; Calls For Dagbon Unity

Alhaji Mugiz had commended ‘DAMAZ’, a group comprising youth from both Andani and Abudu gates which staged the “Di wum ti” demonstration in Dagbon and called for a speedy recovery of Dagbon unity.

According to him the demonstration embarked on by the group must serve as a wake up call on government and major stakeholders in the age-long crisis that, indeed, the people of Dagbon are tired of the disunity which the unfortunate incidence in 2002 has plunged the kingdom into.

But according to him,  the leadership felt disappointed that, since the demonstration was staged, the Regional Coordinating Council and the government of Ghana have failed to issue a single statement of commendation to the youth for their immense efforts, which would have otherwise served as a panacea to kick start the process of peace building in the Kingdom.

He said: “This is a serious indictment on the Regional Coordinating Council, to say the least,” they stated in a press statement.
They averred that “One would have expected that, the government in the wake of the recent processes being taken to resolve the issue, the ” Di wum ti” demonstration presented a clear opportunity for government to have built a strong case for the need to implement the procedures required to bring the matter to its finality.”

According to him the failure of Government in this regard has presented a window of opportunity for what they described as “Chieftancy contractors” to engage in activities which has the tendency of damaging the process of peace building, as agreed upon by the Royal families and the government.

Alhaji Mugiz made reference to a press conference organised in Tamale on the 27th November, 2017 by a group calling themselves ” the andani youth”, spearheaded by one Basharu Daballi.

“In the said press conference, Basharu Daballi, who positioned himself as secretary to the Andani youth enumerated several reasons kicking against the performance of the funeral rites of the two Overlords and calling for the suspension of the entire process. He further sought to distance the regent of the Andani gate, His Eminence, the Kampakoya Naa from the processes which have been earlier agreed by the two Royal families.”

He also indicated that the said Basharu Daballi has no locus in the matter relating to the peace process and his opinion is of no relevance to the current steps and therefore called on government to take steps in dealing such certain “miscreants like Basharu Daballi” who consistently engage in activities which undermine the efforts of government and the Dagbon people at bringing everlasting peace to the Kingdom.

The ” Di wum ti” demonstration is the first of its kind since the incident occurred in 2002 and served as a major breakthrough in supplementing the efforts of government in its commitment in finding an amicable solution to the matter.

Source: Prosper Agbenyega

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