Allan Is Best Candidate After Nana Addo -Bishop Assan

The founder and General Overseer of the Mountain Moriah Redeem Ministry at Gomoa Eshiem in the Central Region, Bishop Samuel Kofi Assan has advised the ruling New Patriotic Party not to think of presenting the Vice President Dr. Mahamudu Bawumia as the party’s presidential candidate after Nana Addo-Dankwah Akuffo-Addo, as according to him, that could spell doom for the party.

Bishop Assan who gave the prophecy at a special Church over the weekend said despite his rich expertise in economics, Dr. Bawumia would not be a good material to lead the party after the exit of Nana Addo.

He revealed that rather, Mr. Allan Kyeremateng is the one prepared by God to take up the mantle from Nana Addo after 2020 to lead the party.

Bishop Samuel Assan was noted to have prophecy in the heat to the 2016 election that Nana Addo’s 5th position on the ballot sheet was an ordained one representing the five fingers of God, which indicates that he already had a firm grip of the presidential seat, whiles the then President Mahama’s 3rd position on the ballot sheet indicated that he was the third John to complete the mandate of the NDC after Jerry John Rawlings and John Evans Fiifi Atta-Mills.

By. Robert Ayanful

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