Atta Tawiah Tsinaatse Family Accuses Police Property Frauds Unit Of Selling Their Land

Some police officers from the Property Frauds Unit of the Ghana Police Service have ostensibly turned the Unit into a business center where negotiations over the sale of the Atta Tawiah Tsinatse family lands are held. 

Information gathered indicates that DSP Adablah from the Fraud Unit has connived with DSP Bawah and one businessman Adolf Tetteh Kwei and are using DSP Atuluk Karim Annan to be leading a gang of policemen numbering about eight onto the landed property belonging to the Atta Tawiah Tsinatse family at Tse Addo.

Reliable information gathered indicates that as at 5pm yesterday, these group of police officers including DSP Atuluk Karim Annan, DSP Adablah and DSP Bawah who served as a witness to an agreement of the sale of 10 acres of the Atta Tawiah Tsinatse family land to the said businessman, Adolf Tetteh Kwei.
These policemen always go into the land with guns threatening residents and workers on the land by shooting indiscriminately.

The activities of DSP Bawah, DSP Atuluk and DSP Adablah together with Lawyer Graham, are being undertaken without the knowledge and consent of the Director of the Property Frauds Unit who is currently outside the country.

Speaking to the Spokesperson for the family, Henry Nii Ayi Addo over the matter he expressed disappointment in the Ghana Police Service for allowing its offices to be used as business centers where lands are sold.

He said the Demolition which is to be carried out will be an illegality since it is coming without any Court Order.
The Atta Tawiah Tsinaatse family of Teshie has charged the Ghana Police Service to produce reports from its 5-years investigations into the landed properties of the family situated at Tse Addo, a community behind the Ghana Trades Fair.

According to the angry family members and Heads, the Property Frauds Unit of the Ghana Police Service is shelving such an important document hence the wanton encroachment, illegal sale of the land and attacks on their workers by some estate developers as well as some police officers.

Addressing the Press at Tse Addo, Spokesperson for the Atta Tawiah Tsinaatse family, Henry Nii Ayi Addo said the Police, after shelving their own report on the land, have decided to go into land business, where they sell portions of the land to one businessman Adolf Tetteh Kwei.

According to him, the police is now given protection to people who have no rights over the land.

Henry Ayi Addo said, some police officers from the Property Frauds Unit of the Ghana Police Service have ostensibly turned the Unit into a business center where negotiations over the sale of the Atta Tawiah Tsinatse family lands are held.

He alleged that DSP Adablah from the Fraud Unit has connived with DSP Bawah and the businessman Adolf Tetteh Kwei to be using DSP Atuluk Karim Annan to be leading a gang of policemen numbering about eight onto the landed property belonging to the Atta Tawiah Tsinatse family at Tse Addo, on daily basis.
These policemen always go into the land with guns threatening residents and workers on the land by shooting indiscriminately.

According to him, these police officers have meetings where they planned their activities on the land, and that as at 5pm on Wednesday, a meeting was held in the presence of DSP Bawah who served as a witness to an agreement signed for the sale of 10 acres of the Atta Tawiah Tsinatse family land to the said businessman, Adolf Tetteh Kwei.

The meeting had necessitated the Demolition of buildings on the said land.

The activities of DSP Bawah, DSP Atuluk and DSP Adablah together with Lawyer Graham, Hneruy Addo said are being undertaken without the knowledge and consent of the Director of the Property Frauds Unit who is currently outside the country.

Speaking to the Spokesperson for the family, Henry Nii Ayi Addo over the matter he expressed disappointment in the Ghana Police Service for allowing its offices to be used as business centers where lands are sold.

He stressed that the La Trust which is illegally operating on the land holds no right or authority over the land, but yet with police protection, they continue to sell the land to unsuspecting developers.

He said the operations of the Trust had been nullified by a Court of Competent Jurisdiction and that in 2010, there was a Judgment in favour of the Tawiah Tsinaatse Family.

In that 2010 Judgment, the Presiding Judge His Lordship Justice K. A. Ofori Atta, ruled that the 1st Defendant’s Grantors which is the Atta Tawiah Tsinaatse family, and Numo Ofoli Kwashie Family as owners of all that portions of land covering an area of 808.644 acres fuly described in the Cadastral Map No. X2926.
It was also upheld that the Land Certificate issued to the Plaintiff/Applicants grantors, which is the East Dadekotopon Development Trust for which they were seeking an Interlocutory Injunction against the Defendant was declared as having been obtained by fraud and was declared null and void.

At the end, the Court ruled that the 1st Defendant did obtained a grant of the disputed property from the Tawiah Tsinaatse and Numo Ofoli Kwashie family and their grants must not be disturbed.

According to Henry Ayi Addo, the family has all documents, certificates of ownership over the land in dispute which the police is well aware of but decided to put a blind eye to all the facts available in the matter.

“What we are saying is that any issue in connection with Atta Tawiah Tsinaatse family is in Court and there is a Supreme Court Judgment on it. A Court judgment from the Supreme Court can never be overruled by a High Court Judge,” he said.

He said: “We are telling the police administration that they have personally conducted an investigation into Atta Tawiah Tsinaatse family led by one CID named Addy. He did the investigations, he has the comprehensive report that he has done on that investigation, why are they shelving the report and are still coming onto the land.”

According to him, current development is pointing to the fact that the police administration has an interest to interfere in the ruling from the Supreme Court which mandates the family to take over their property.”

He also alleged that one DSP Atuluk Karim Annan has been leading police officers to the land with weapons to come and shoot at the site, “nobody is fighting them over the land. If they find anything challenging they should go back to the Court and have a certified true copy.”

Some big wigs ho believe they are in political power are using Atuluk Karim Annan of the CID Operations to harass people on the site, especially members of the Atta Tawiah Tsinaatse family.

He called on the President to set up a Committee, if need be, to look into the Atta Tawiah Tsinaatse family and the East Dadekotopon Development Trust matters and the interference of the police in all these matters.

Information gathered indicated that the said businessman Adolf Adjei has allegedly paid an amount of GH 10, 000 to DSP Adabrah to use in buying a pistol for his operations. 

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