Ayisi Boateng Must Still Go! – Hon Pokua Sawyerr

Hon Pokua Sawyer

The Member  of Parliament  for Agona East and former Deputy Central Regional Minister, Hon  Queenstar Maame Pokuah  Sawyerr has added her voice to the call on the President, Nana Akufo  Addo to still terminate  the appointment  of Mr Ayisi  Boateng, Ghana’s  High Commissioner to South Africa despite the apology  rendered by  Mr Boateng over some undiplomatic comments he made recently which attracted serious public condemnation.

Hon Queenstar  Pokuaa  Sawyer  made the comment in an interview  with Peace FM.

She said the attitude  of Mr Ayisi  Boateng  immediately  after his comments  does not make his apology convincing to the public.

According to Hon Queenstar Sawyerr, if  the President, Nana Akuffo Addo relieve Mr. Ayisi Boateng would serve as deterrent for other appointees.

“Appointees and Ministers who speak divisively should be shown the exit from government’ Hon Queenstar Pokuah Sawyerr pointed out.

Hon Queenstar Pokuah Sawyerr advised all and sundry to be careful with the words they spew out taking into consideration the nation’s cohesion.

Hon  Pokuaa Sawyer also advised politicians and public officials to be mindful of their utterances and promises they make to the people.

In a related development, Minority Members of Parliament are urging Ghanaians to disregard a public apology purported to come from under-fire Ghana’s Ambassador to South Africa, George Ayisi-Boateng, following criticisms for his recent partisan comments.

According to the National Democratic Congress (NDC) Minority spokesperson on Communication, Alhaji A.B.A Fuseini, the apology does not come across as genuine or even authored by Mr Ayisi-Boateng.

“The apology is a contrived statement from the Flagstaff House, not from him [Geroge Ayisi-Boateng] and Ghanaians must reject the apology letter,” the minority stated.

After a relentless thumping on social media, the High Commissioner to South Africa had cause to retract and apologise for declaring at a New Patriotic Party (NPP) event that he will put the interests of the members of the governing party ahead of other Ghanaians.

Former diplomats and other respected Ghanaians did condemn the comments as unbecoming of a diplomat.

George Ayisi-Boateng told members of the Tertiary Students’ Confederacy Network (TESCON) that “This government is doing its best to create job opportunities and me, for instance, I told my people over there [that] it is because of NPP that I’m here so the NPP man is my priority. I told them when NDC was in power it was Kwesi Ahwoi who was there, now we are in power, so Ayisi-Boateng is here with you. My topmost priority is the problems of an NPP person before any other Ghanaian, take it or leave it”.

This declaration did not go down well with a section of Ghanaians when it was publicised, with many calling for him to step down or be sacked.

Initially, Mr Ayisi-Boateng defended his comments, claiming that his comments were taken out of context.

He had the backing of Acting Chairman of the NPP, Mr Freddy Blay.

However, his defence further fueled the public criticism, and caused other influential Ghanaians to join calls for him to step down.

Also contributing to a discussion a leading member of pressure group, OccupyGhana, Nana Sarpong Agyemang Badu, said the apology was not enough and called on the President to fire him.


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