Muslim clerics rise against tribal card against Hajj chairman


Muslim clerics from different sects and organizations have expressed worry over some individuals playing tribal card against the Hajj Board Chairman, Sheikh I.C Quaye and described it as unislamic.

This came to light when this reporter went round the various Muslim communities to solicit views and opinion from some clerics and Muslim organizations on this years Hajj.

However, information reaching the indicate that some masked members of the Ghana Hajj Board in an attempt to sabotage and unseat the current hajj Board chairman Sheikh I.C Quaye will soon issue a press Release and subsequently hold a press conference in Accra.

According to the source, some members of the Hajj Board with the assistance of some prominent Individuals behind the veil are sponsoring a group of people to come out with a press conference against the hajj chairman in favour of their preferred choice who is of the Northern Extraction.

This according to the source has compelled the group to create a WhatsApp platform initially dubbed “Justice for Hajj” which has now been changed to Forum for Transparency & Accountability in Hajj (FoTAH) which will create an impression that the Muslim community is calling for justice and accountability for this years Hajj. which is never the case

The source revealed that the group intend to hide behind this Created Pressure group to create the impression that they are fighting and protecting the interest of the zango People but in disguise want to clear Sheikh IC Quaye to make way for their own.

It is clear that people within the Muslim communities have much interest in the activities of hajj operations, this compelled most of them to reveal this information to the Media.

A sources within the Muslim community and a cleric described the plan as unislamic and feels guilty to watch. One of the members of an Islamic organisation also confirmed that, the group which is made up of the current hajj Communications Director A. R Gomda and one of his Duputy communicators one Alhaji Abubakar Marzuk with over forty members whose aim is to ensure that the current hajj chairman is cleared from his position.

The source stated that the attempt to sabotage the chairman was as a results of measures he put in place to prevent some scrupulous members from penetrating the VISA acquisition system in the name of protocol . The reported VISA fraud issue which a name ; Adul-Rahman Zark was all over recently. Another source has also disclosed one Abass Abubakar alias Paa Willy who is known to be an errand boy to the hajj communications Director Alhaji A.R Gomda has also surfaced, with mention of the possibility of A .R Gomda’s hands being soiled according to the source.

Another source further revealed that, some selfish individuals are covering their wrong doings to push for the Northern Agenda of their Pay masters thus by misleading the public under the cover of Forum for Transparency and Accountability for Hajj. There has been evidence from some pilgrims clearly indicating that some of these same officers have a hand in a case reported at the Police Headquarters and Airport Police station.

Some Pilgrims who were defrauded by so-call party synthesizers of the ruling government during the Hajj operations were backed by some of those saboteurs who are planing for the Press Release and conference soon; The source disclosed.

All efforts were made to contact the Ghana Hajj Board communication team yield no results.

Story by Mustapha Dodoo / David Albert Quainoo

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