Earth Tremor: Apostle Francis Amoako Attah Prophesy Materialized

The earth tremor that hit parts of Ghana’s capital, Accra on December 12, 2022 has not been an ordinary occurrence as it was revealed to happen by the SEER, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah.

The SEER, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah, Founder and General Overseer of Parliament Chapel International (PCI), had revealed that Ghana would experience an earth tremor solon after South Africa experienced an earth quake.

Speaking to his congregation, the SEER indicated that Africa must brace up for earthquakes which was triggered on the African continent and it was moving from the sea and will appear in South Africa.

The Seer Apostle Francis Amoako Attah in January 2022, prophesied about that and called for prayers to stop any devastations. “We must Pray and Stop it Before it is Too Late.”

Few days after his prophesy it was reported that some parts of KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa experienced two earthquakes: a 4.6 magnitude quake and 5.1.

Durban and places in the north of KZN including Eshowe, Nkandla and Mtubatuba are said to have felt the tremors.
One earthquake reportedly blew off the roof of Siyaphambili High School in Mtubatuba – as learners are writing their final exams.

The earthquakes left a trail of destruction. Roads have been blocked by logs ripped off by the quakes.
Two days ago, parts of Accra also experienced an earth tremor; the first was recorded a little after 10 am while the second tremor was recorded around 11: 30 am.


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