ENACT LAW TO CRIMINALIZE HOMOSEXUALITY -Traditional Authorities, Religious Leaders tell Gov’t

Traditional authorities and religious leaders in the Central Regional have resolved to use every legitimate means possible in their power to fight against the practice of same sex marriage which, according to them is becoming a norm.

Speaking to the media in Agona Swedru, the Divisional Queen mother of the Gomoa Ajumako Traditional Area Nana Ayeraba II, the minister in charge of the Evangelical Presbyterian Church in Agona Swedru Rev. Martin Luther Yao Agbovi, the Swedru Area Head of the Musama Disco Christo Church Rev. Ken Arthur, the Central Regional Secretary of the Ahlussunna Waljamaa Islamic sect Alhaji Haruna Nuhu Sanni, the Nimfahene of Gomoa Afransi and Ahenembahene of Gomoa Ajumako Traditional Area Nana Mireku Annto I, the founder General Overseer of the Divine Gift Worship Ministry Rev. Philip McCallister and the Swedru District Minister of the Global Evangelical Church Rev. Moses Kutu have all condemned the practice in no uncertain terms, calling for enactment of strong laws to criminalize it.

They said anyone found culpable of engaging in the practice should be given long jail sentence to serve as deterrent to others who want to engage in the practice.

They described the practice as inhuman and affront not only to the cultural practices of Ghanaians alone, but Africans as a whole.

The practice of homosexuality which has already gained ground in most of the so-called developed Western countries and America is said to be engaged in by people from all spheres of life.

This situation, according to the traditional and religious leaders should not be entertained in any part of Africa, as it goes contrary to the way of life and cultural practices and norms of the people of the continent. Though it is believed some pastors have secretly endorsed the practice, such so-called pastors have been described as wolf pack in sheep skins in the ministry of God working as agents of the devil under the guise of the Bible.

The traditional and religious leaders later said unlike the late President Prof. John Evans Fiifi Atta Mills, the current president Nana Addo-Dankwa Akuffo-Addo delayed too much in coming out with the position of the State on the issue, giving advocators of the practice the impression that they can have a lean way to push their negative agenda into the country.

According to the traditional and religious leaders, raiding and locking the offices of these same sex practitioners is a good step, but that will notbe enough to dettere others if laws are not pass to make it a criminal offence.

They however rejected the claim by some that the upsurge of the practice is as a result of the embracing of democracy with it’s associated rights, arguing that rather democracy is about sharing of ones view for developmental purposes, but not the right to practice acts that are detrimental to society.

By Robert Ayanful

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