Exercise regularly to remain strong and healthy…… Odauhene Daasebre Ofosu Kwabi Ayebiahwe advise Ghanaians.

The Odauhene, Daasebre Ofosu Kwabi Ayebiahwe, has adviced the general public to always exercise their body so that they will remain strong and healthy.

The Odauhene addressing his people after a health walk as part of activities to mark the Odwira festival stated that, for one to be healthy, it is always good to undergo regularly exercise.

He stressed that with a healthy and strong society there will be development and progress.

The health walk forms part of activities line up for the 2023 Odauman Odwira festival.

He said when people do regular exercise it helps them to stay away from all types of sickness.

He encouraged the people of Odauman to form keep fit clubs so that they can exercise regularly to keep fit and always be strong and healthy.

Report by Samuel Quao.

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