Free SHS Fault Finding Moves Uncovered

The critics and saboteurs of the governments flagship programme, Free Senior High (Free SHS), will not rest on their moves to find faults with the system that has been embraced by parents who otherwise could not afford to send their wards to secondary school.

A bogus fault-finding team put together by the mischievous elements to go round the country and pick shortfalls associated with the programme has failed on their mission.

A team of about 30 young folks brought together and heavily financed to travel across the length and breadth of the country have returned to their base with disappointing reports to their masters.

The reports they brought back clearly indicate that Free SHS has been accepted by Ghanaians at all levels.

Again, the teams attempt to find problems with how students benefitting from the programme were doing in various schools did not yield any positive responses, as schools authorities told them of how government had moved in to rectify the teething problems that came with the introduction of the Free SHS.

On the specifics of what the team was put together to do that has been leaked to The Inquisitor, the findings were to be used against the government as having failed with the Free SHS programme.

The team toured all the 10 regions and spoke with parents, education authorities and students, as well.

The team started with their mission in the second week of January, this year, with the first batch moving to the three regions of the north, namely the Northern Region, the Upper West Region and the Upper East Region Regions.

Although, the team was told of certain problems associated with the Free SHS in its current form, there were disappointments because they did not get what they wanted to hear.

The Inquisitor gathered that financiers of the team were highly disappointed at the outcome of the exercise during a meeting held in Accra last Tuesday evening for evaluation.

One thing that came out clearly of the work done by the team is the fact that Ghanaians would antagonize anybody – individual or group – that would speak against the Free SHS.

In the Brong Ahafo Region, the team members nearly had an altercation with some of the respondents because the latter were not too sure of why they were being subjected to questions on the Free SHS and where the fault-finding team was coming from.

There have been several attempts by certain elements to discredit the governments flagship programme meant to help parents to educate their wards at the secondary level.

With the introduction of the Free SHS, intake for first years went up and the government came out with the double-track system to absorb the high numbers.

There were several moves to punch holes in the double-track system when it was introduced during the 2018/2019 academic year.

Parts of the mischievous agenda have over the period been targeted at the hardworking Minister of Education, Dr. Mathew Opoku Prempeh, just to divert his attention from ensuring the success of the Free SHS.



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