Ghana Hajj Research Groups Commend 2018 Pilgrimage Arrangement


The Hajj Media groups, Ghana Hajj, Ghana Muslim Broadcast Journalists Association and the Northerners and Zongos Concerned Youth Association of Ghana, have declared activities of the Pilgrims Affairs Office of Ghana (PAOG) as connotation of transparency and incorruptibility.

The restructuring of the board in recent time by the Chairman, Sheikh Ibrahim Cofie Quaye, according to the Group, is a good step at rescuing the Hajj board from serious mess and rots, which led to the arrest of some unscrupulous individuals parading themselves at the Hajj village during the last year’s Hajj operations.

There were reports that some Muslim groups, had in the past called on the Hajj Board Chairman Sheikh I.C Quaye for the restructuring of the board which the chairman heeded to their call by putting up measures and restructuring the communication and task-force department.

A joint statement issued by the groups stated that the groups have carefully monitored activities of the Hajj Board “As we continuously and have found out that there have been transparency and incorruptibility in this years operations due to measures put in place by the Hajj Board under the leadership of its chairman, sheikh I.C Quaye”.

“We the Muslim groups have expressed our satisfaction with the performance of the board in the way this year’s Hajj operation is handled so far, and we have credit the Hajj Board with 90 percent in its performance“. They reiterated.

According to the statement, upon the groups research, “it is important to commend the Board for a good work done”, adding that the groups will as well charge the leadership of the Board to do more for the benefit of prospective pilgrims.

The statement also captured the process and manner at which the board handled the issues of payment, airline, accommodation, transportation, food and among others.

Those provisions, they said, were made transparently by the board and it is clear indications that this year‘s hajj will be successful.

The groups commended Alhaji Farouk Hamza Director of finance, Alhaji Sumai‘ila Director of Operations and Alhaji Abubakar Sidiq Director of Communications, Hajiya Maryam Sissey as well as the Medical team of the Ghana Hajj Board for their contributions towards this year’s successful Hajj.


Story: Muhammed Faisal Mustapha

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