Ghana Mnth: Angel Morning Show, The SEER Solicit Funds To Support Musician Edward Akwasi Boateng

Celebrity Studio situated at the Nyamekye Junction has hosted for the first time, the live performance of Angel TV/FM (102.9) morning show.

The show held yesterday, March 1, 2024 at the Celebrity Studio was anchored by the host, Nana Okatakyie Afrifa Mensah and team.

The day was full of praises to God and lots of dancing as one of the great singers, Edward Akwasi Boateng took the whole show into the spirits with her tunes playing his Accordion.

Yesterday’s program was used to generate funds for the restitution of
Edward Akwasi Boateng who have been doing music for the past 32 years; since 1996,

Edward Akwasi Boateng who was one of Ghana’s successful musicians gave a brief history of his life, his beginning and how far he has come, and how things begun to dwindle,

In view of his current state, Angel fm Morning Show have decided to host March 1st edition of their program in his honour and restitute him to the position he ought to be.

Apostle Francis Amoako Attah in a brief message indicated that, in life “If you are not updated, you will be outdated.”

This he said at the heels of Edward Akwasi Boateng’s lamentations that his career begun to take a negative turn at the emergence of Social Media leading to low sale of his works.

Patronage of his cassettes, CDs and Pen drives fell as many people turned to social media to copy and download his music.

However, Apostle Francis Amako Attah advised that, one must strive to be part of the known at all times and adjust to the changes in life because, “If you are not part of the known, you cannot be part of the flow.”

He also averred that, “Favour doesn’t cancel purpose, failure does not cancel destiny and failure is an indication that something is wrong and must be fixed.”

Touching on Edward Akwasi Boateng’s music career, Apostle Francis Amoako Attah said, his music is a gift and the calling of God can never be killed.

He also averred that the month of March is the month of independence, the month of redemption and the month of deliverance, hence for Angel tv/fm to decide to honour him on March 1st, means a lot to Edward Akwasi Boateng.

“Among all his songs, there is one particular one which has become a prophesy and when his prophesy becomes prophetic, all shall be well.”

“You are what you say, you are what you hear, you are what you see, you are what you eat and you can never get to the top if you fail or are afraid to become a topic. The topic is the ladder to the top.”

He took a sermon from Exodus 11; “And the LORD said unto Moses, Yet will I bring one plague more upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt; afterwards he will let you go hence: when he shall let you go, he shall surely thrust you out hence altogether. Speak now in the ears of the people, and let every man borrow of his neighbour, and every woman of her neighbour, jewels of silver, and jewels of gold. And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians. Moreover the man Moses was very great in the land of Egypt, in the sight of Pharaoh’s servants, and in the sight of the people…..”

He said in this Ghana Month, God has lifted Edward Akwasi Boateng from where Satan wanted to caged him and brought him into His promise.

At the end of the show, over GHC60,000.00 was generated as support for Edward Akwasi Boateng..

Appeal has also been made for Ghanaians to support by sending their donations to 0530441497.


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