Group Supports Mahama Flagbearership

A group calling itself Democratic Youth Congress (DYC) has expressed its support for former President Mahama ‘s decision to contest for the flagbearership race of the opposition National Democratic Congress ( NDC ).
In a statement,  the group said it was convinced that Mr John Mahama possessed what it takes to rally party members for a resounding victory in the 2020 elections.
Below is the full statement
30th August, 2018
The Democratic Youth Congress (DYC) wishes to commend former President
John Dramani Mahama for declaring his intention to contest the party’s presidential primaries to lead the National Democratic Congress (NDC) in 2020.
At this stage of the party’s life, the people need a leader who is able to offer a credible sense of direction and can make a significant difference to the effectiveness and success of our party. Former President John Dramani Mahama has been acknowledged by many as the most capable, exceptional and experienced to lead the NDC to victory 2020.
We are of the firm conviction that he has the capacity to rally people and mobilize support towards repackaging and repositioning the NDC party and for this reason our commitment towards the election of the former President to lead the party to victory is total. It bears reminding that under the tenure of the former President, Ghana recorded tremendous achievements in all fields.
These achievements are, in no small part, thanks to the exemplary and visionary
leadership of President John Dramani Mahama.
We wish to further commend the two former Presidents of the NDC for the show
of camaraderie during their meeting before the declaration and urge other aspirants and their supporters to emulate this gleaming example by working  together in a spirit of understanding and apply their energies to collaboratively build the party for victory 2020 and beyond.
The Democratic Youth Congress wishes to use this medium to also appeal to Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Clergy, other interest groups and Ghanaians in general to hold the current administration to the same standards they applied during former President John Dramani Mahama’s tenure.
This is a sacred duty that we owe to this great nation. Finally, we want to re-assure former President John Dramani Mahama of our active contribution to his determination to lead the party to ensure victory in the internal elections and eventually in the national elections to rescue this nation from super incompetence, deception and  corruption of uncommon grade.
Thank you.
 Azumah Musah
National Co-ordinator, Operations

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