High Incidents Of Indiscipline Attributed To Human Rights

The minister in charge of the Agona Swedru branch of the Agape Evangelical Church, Rev. Isaac Kwaku Gyamfi has expressed grave concern about high incidents of indiscipline in the country, particularly among the youth, blaming it on the practice of democracy and its associated human rights.

Speaking in an interview with the media on the matter, Rev. Isaac Gyamfi admitted that though the practice of democracy is good, he however called for a review of some aspects of its associated human rights such as the rights of the child, which he said has saw some parents placed behind bars by the police for disciplining their own children for going wayward.

He also blamed the situation on the abolishing of corporal punishment of students in school by the Ghana Education Service.

He cited the period in the era under the mission schools where students were caned for misconduct, instilling total discipline in the children.

He hinted that Ghana as a country has a bleak future if this trend is not changed, by reviewing the aspects of the rights of the child.

By; Robert Ayanful

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