Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko donates to the elderly women and widows in Akyem Swedru constituency.

The Member of Parliament for Akyem Swedru constituency, Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko, has made donations to elderly women and widows in Akyem Swedru constituency in the Birim South District of the Eastern Region.

The MP donated bags of rice, oil, sardines, pieces of clothes and an undisclosed amount of money among others to the widows.

James 1:27 says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”

In an interview with the media, the MP, stated that, this is not the first time he is showing love to the elderly women and widows in his constituency.

According to Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko, he has been doing it for quite a long time mostly he does it one on one and other times with the help of the party executives on his behalf.

He said this is the first time he has gathered the elderly women and widows at a particular place for them to receive their gifts.

“It is good to give back to society when God blesses you, because there’s a blessing in that” said Hon. Kennedy Osei Nyarko.

He assured the widows that as far as he is alive and strong, he will continue to give his widows mite to them.

The Member of Parliament pleaded with the widowers not to worry; he said he would organize a party with them and they would eat together and after that, he would give them their gifts.

He prayed for a long-life so that he can continue with the good work he is doing in the constituency and Ghana as a whole.

The women who benefited from the MP’s benevolence commended the MP for his kind gesture and prayed for him to emerged victorious in the upcoming primaries.

They wished the MP good luck and success in everything he does.

Report by Samuel Quao.

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