Traditional authorities and religious leaders have described the practice of same sex marriage as affront to Africa’s cultural practices and norms and those engaged in it as insane.

The Youth Chief of Yareewa Zongo in Agona Swedru, Abubakar Alhassan who spoke against the practice said it is a taboo in both the Islamic and Christian religions, and anyone caught in the practice in the country must be condemned to death.

He has therefore urged religious leaders to use their pulpit to educate their members against the practice. Also, the minister in charge of the Apostles’ Continuation Church in Agona Swedru, Rev. Emmanuel Asante has condemned the practice in no uncertain terms, describing those engaged in it, particularly the Western world as people without conscience.

He expressed dismay how human beings, created by God in his own image will stoop so low and engage in a practice that even animals do not engage in.

Though he admitted that the practice is unacceptable before any well cultured society, he however stressed that winning the fight against it is going to be a heculian task, as it is an age-old practice and people will continue to engage in it in secret.

Meanwhile, the founder and leader of the Overcomers Royal Sanctuary and lecturer at the Living Faith Theological Seminary, Apostle Joshua Kobina Darko Spokwell has also expressed regret about some so-called men of God allegedly engaged in the practice.

He said such so-called men of God are a disgrace to the ministry and must therefore be sanctioned by the authorities that be.

He later called on the relevant religious bodies such as the Christian Council of Ghana, the Ghana Pentecostal Council, the Catholic Bishops Conference and the various Islamic bodies not to hesitate to deal with any of their members engaged in the practice to serve as a dettarant to others.

According to him, it is a calling by God for one to become a minister of His gospel, and as such any true man of God will not engage in such evil practice.

By: Robert Ayanful

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