“Military Involvement In Provision Of Internal Security Will Solve Problem Of Kidnapping”

Some members of the Clergy have advocated for the involvement of the military in the provision of internal security in the country, as they claim that would be the panacea to the rising incident of kidnapping cases in the country.

the minister incharge of the Evangelical Presbyterian [E.P.] Church in Agona Swedru, Rev. Martin Luther Agbovi and the Agona Swedru branch Minister of the Emmanuel Gospel Ministry, Rev. Peter Owusu who made the call said the current security situation in the country is so worrisome that it will need the involvement of the military to combat the situation.

Sharing their views on the situation in an interview with Ghnanews.com, they said the country is sitting on a time bomb, and that it will take the involvement of the military to deal with the situation, and recounted the period where there was total sanity in the  country under military rule.

Readers would recall that since the incidents of the kidnapping of the three T’adi girls, the country has witnessed other similar incidents in other parts of the country such as the kidnapping of an Indian and Lebanese business men as well as the recent two Canadian Volunteers in Kumasi.

Though all these problems were dealt with by the country’s security intelligence by rescuing the victims, still some are of the opinion that the country’s internal security must be beefed up by involving the military in the provision of internal security in the country.

But the minister in charge of the Agona Nyakrom Circuit of the Methodist Church, Rev. Samuel Nick Appiah has expressed different opinion about the proposed solution, contending that involving the military in the provision of internal security matters would amount to betraying the democratic governance adopted by the country.

He admitted that though Ghana’s laws are is so liberal, he however noted that that could not be an excuse for other foreign nationals to take Ghanaians hostage to ransomed at will.

He has therefore called for the beefing up of the country’s security, especially at its borders.

By: Robert Ayanful          

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