A former Presiding Member of the Agona West Municipal Aaasembly, Haruna Nuhu Saani has tasked the President, Nana Addo Dankwa Akuffo-Addo to live up to his promises by condenmning and banning all the so-called vigilante groups created by his party the NPP, if Ghanaians are to believe his claim as an astoute lawyer who believes in the rule of law.

The former PM who was speaking in an interview with recounted series of incidents where the so-called vigilante groups have visited mayhem on percieve plitical opponents, including innocent individuals with impunity whiles the president gloryfies them refuses to allow the law to take its course against these ”bandits”, citing the recent incident at Ayawaso in Accra during a bi-election where a sitting Memeber of Parliament, Sam George was brutally assaulted.

Accordingto him, the development poses a serious threat to the country if not checked, accusing the NPP government of not living up to the task when it comes to security mattres of the state.

He has therefore called for the disbanning of such groups in every politcal party to ensure total security for the citizenry, especially at a time that the country is going to general elections next year.

He has also called for de-politicization of recruitment of personnel into the various security services, as according to him, that does not give them the free will to exhibit their professionalism, as they will always want serve their political masters for favour.

Haruna Saani later described the currentt security situation as a dent on the country’s image as a beacon of democracy not only in the sub-region,but also in the whole of Africa.

By: Robert Ayanful

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