A Swedru-based philanthropist and Chief Exercutive Officer of ‘Lucky Girl Ventures’ in Agona Swedru has commended the Agona West Municipal Environmental and Sanitation Directorate and residents of the town for their continues effort to ensure that the area remains and maintain its spot as the neatest area in the Central Region.

‘LuckyGirl’ who has taken the centre stage of the clean-up exercise since its inception hinted that as a result of this effort, Agona Swedru has not recorded any case of cholera since the introduction of the exercise which has become known as National Sanitation Day.

He made the commendation during a clean-upexercise in the town which was participated by a cross section of members of the public including personnel of the Security Services, particularly the Ghana National Fire Service, staff of the Municipal Assembly, traders, employees of departmental stores, especially MELCOM and members of the media.

By: Robert Ayanful

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