Osu Mantse donates medical equipment to hospital

Osu Citizens Social Club from Virginia in the United States of America (USA), in collaboration with the Osu Mantse who doubles as the President of the Greater Accra Regional House of Chiefs, His. Majesty Nii Okwei Kinka Dowuona VI have donated medical equipments to three hospitals within the Osu Traditional Area.

The hospitals include Adabraka Polly Clinic, Osu Maternity Home and the Volta River Authority Hospital all in the Osu Traditional Area.

The donation according to the club was in line with the 10th anniversary celebration of Osu Mantse which is scheduled tomorrow at the Osu palace in Accra.

The USA based club has over the years been a help factor to the people of Osu since its inception through the support in Education, Health and developmental projects in the Osu Traditional Area

This the various administrators of the hospitals expressed their kind gesture exhibited by His Majesty the Osu Mantse and the Osu Citizens Social Club and called on other groups and philanthropists to help improve the health sectors to ensure quality healthcare delivery.

Story by Muhammad Faisal Mustapha

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