Residents living around the Central Seventh-Day Adventist Church in Agona Nyakrom in the Central Region are crying over what they describe as poor drainage system constructed over a stream in the area that is causing a lot of flooding at the least downpour.

According to the residents who spoke to ghananews247.com, not only does the area floods, but the water also carries refuse from a nearby dumping site into their homes, including reptiles such as snakes, a situation they said does not only pose a health risk but danger as well.

They noted that at the initial stages of the construction, they drew the engineer’s attention to the size of the bridge which was also high above the water table of the stream, but he refused to heed their concern.

They said as a result of the situation, most of the residents using cars fear driving home anytime it rains to avoid being stuck in the flooding waters. They again pointed out that the Seventh Day Adventist Church in the area is not spared the flooding anytime it rains as its members are trapped in the church hall for hours until the flood subsides.

When contacted, the elders of the church confirmed the situation, saying they have made a series of complaints to the relevant authorities including the construction firm, but all to no avail.

They noted that as part of measures to remedy the situation, the church is organizing a fundraising on July 23rd 2022 to construct culverts to redirect the water to help save the situation, and are therefore appealing to benevolent organizations and individuals to come and support them.

By Robert Ayanful

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