Profile of Akim Swedru MP Hon Kennedy Osei Nyarko

Profile of Hon Kennedy Nyarko Osei for Akyem Swedru constituency:

DOB: 2nd April, 1979
Home Town: Akim Awisa
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1. Basic Education at: Akim Awisa Presby Boarding School
2. Secondary Education at: Swedru Secondary School in 1995
3. BSc Marketing (GIMPA)
4. Certificate in Marketing (CIM – UK)
5. Advance Certificate in Marketing (CIM – UK)
6. Postgraduate Diploma in Marketing (CIM – UK)
7. EMBA in Project Management (UG)
8. MSc Climate Change and Sustainable Development (UG)
9. About to commence a PhD Program in International Relations @ (UG)
10. A Chartered Marketer with 13 years of Experience
11. Former Head of Marketing at ZL
12. Former Technical Sales and Marketing Manager at J.A Plant Pool
13. Former General Manager for J.A Plant Pool, Northern Zone
14. Former Marketing Officer at Jospong Consortium
15. A 2nd Term Member of Parliament
16. Former Chairman of the parliamentary select committee on local Government
17. Former Vice Chairman of the parliamentary select committee on Environment
18. Board Member of GSA
19. A Member of the inter-Ministerial Committee of Ministry of Environment
20. A Member of the inter-Ministerial Committee of Ministry of Development and Special Initiatives
21. A Member of the inter-Ministerial Committee of Ministry of Fisheries and AquaCulture Development
22. Deputy Minister of Food and Agriculture
23. Member of the Local Government Committee of Parliament
24. Member of the Judiciary Committee of Parliament

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