Recent Report On Apostle Amaoko Attah & Rev. Owusu Bempah False – McLord Ice

McLord Ice Mpraim, Head of Media at Parliament Chapel International has described a recent media publication claiming the Founder of Parliament Chapel; Apostle Francis Amaoko Attah had said that Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah is currently battling with death, as “false” and “total fabrication.”

Speaking to McLord Ice Mpraim on the said publication which has been given much prominence on most online portals, he indicated strongly that Apostle Francis Amaoko Attah as a man of God has respect for fellow men of God because they are all working in the vineyard of the Lord.

He said Apostle Francis Amaoko Attah and Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah are good friends who are working for God and are winning souls for Christ in their respective churches and ministries; hence the former will not do anything to destroy the image of the later.

“I have worked with Apostle Francis Amaoko Attah for over 12 years, and I can tell you how much he loves and respect other men of God. He has a personal relationship with Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah and their relationship keeps growing day by day,” McLord Ice said.

However, commenting on the said publication, McLord Ice indicated that Apostle Francis Amaoko Attah granted an interview with ‘Zionfelix’ on Wednesday during the national Day of Fasting and Prayers against COVID-19 but the discussions he had with the said blogger was not centred on Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah.

He however recalled that on 31st December 2019, a prophesy was given during the Church’s all night service and Apostle Francis Amoako Attah had to contact Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah, later visited him and they both prayed over the said prophesy and cancel any evil plans of the enemy.

“Apostle Francis Amaoko Attah did not put that prophesy in the public domain that was why he took the pain to visit Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah. That issue is past,” he said.

McLord Ice however expressed great surprise at the writer of the report and indicated that he felt “ashamed” that a blogger or a writer could go to that extent of fabricating stories to cause rifts between men of God.

“Apostle has never said that Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah is battling for his life. They are good friends and they remain so,” he maintained.

McLord Ice also noted that both Rev. Isaac Owusu Bempah and Apostle Francis Amaoko Attah are all focusing and praying to God to save Ghana from the hands of COVID-19, and appealed to followers and believers of Christ to disregard the said publication because it was done with malicious intent.

By: Prosper Agbenyega

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