“Refer Patients To Appropriate Quarters For Treatment”

The founder of Nyame Wo Tumi Prayer and Healing Camp at Gomoa Afransi in the Central Rregion, Prophetess Aba Hawa has advised all owners of such camps not to hesitate to refer patients sent to their camps with conditions that demand medical attention to the appropriate quarters such as a health facility for medical attention, rather than keeping them at the camp.
Speaking at the 26thAnniverssarycelebration since the establishment of the Camp, Prophetess Aba Hawa stated that when patients whose conditions requires medical attention are delayed at the camp, it worsens their condition, and this she said could lead to death.
According to her, some of the conditions sent to the prayer camps are simply as a result of severe malaria, a situation she said requires medical attention rather than spirital solution.
She however revealed that Prayer and Healing Camps have played and continues to play vital role in health care delivery in the country, as they have helped healed countless number of people who were suffering from both physical and spiritual problems.
She mentioned conditions such as stroke, barreness, epilepsy and mental disorder as some of the commonest problems cured at the prayer camps.
By; Robert Ayanfl

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