Selfish, Greedy Leadership Factor To Africa’s Woes – Rev. Sanniez

Despite the abundance of all the natural resources endowed Africa, the continent continues to wallow in abject poverty, with its people suffering from hunger, diseases and famine.

The continent can boast of Uraniun, Copper, Diamond, Bauxite, Iron Ore, Manganese and the rest, as well as cash and food crops, yet all these are controlled indirectly by the European countries to enrich themselves to the detriment of the Africans themselves.

But this has been attributed to the greedy and selfish desire of African leaders who always think about amassing wealth for themselves and their family, without recourse to the welfare of the ordinary people.

The minister in charge of the Resurrection Baptist Church of the Ghana Baptist Convention at Agona Asafo in the Central Region, Rev. Abraham Sanniez who made the attribution at the sidelines of Ghana’s 62nd Independence Day celebration called on African leaders to learn from their predecessors such as Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Haille Selassie of Ethipoia, Ahmed Sekou Toure of Ginnuea, Jomo Kenyata of Kenya, Patrice Lumumba of Zaire, Nelson Mandela of South Africa and the rest who were selfless and had the wellbeing and the development of their countries at heart.

He expressed shock why Ghana as the first country in the sub-Sahara region to gain independence is still where it is in terms of development.

He hinted that to be able to redeem itself from the poor economic state, the country should move from importation and focus on industrial manufacturing for export.

According to him, that has been the stem of the economic growth of every developed nation in the world.

He however expressed the hope that with the intervention policies said to have been put in place by the president Nana Addo Danquah Akuffo-Addo, Ghana would find its rightful place in terms of development, if those policies are supported by all, irrespective of one’s political affiliation.

Rev. Sanniez also commended the president for relocating the Independence Day celebration from Accra to Tamale, calling for its rotation to the other Regions to make every Ghanaian feel part of the struggle for the freedom that the country is now enjoying.

By Robert Ayanful

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