Some Roads in Ashanti Region are in Bad State.

The Director of Ashanti regional highways Authority, Engineer Christian Nti has said, many road-links in Ashanti region are so bad which has become a challenge to people plying through the road especially, drivers.
Though he said, some are in good state but majority of them are not worthy for cars to ply on and therefore, the highways authority he said has taken serious considerations on the nature of the poor state some of the roads are and will do what it can with the road ministry to bring an improvement.
Speaking to the media, Engineer Christian Nti observed that places such as Awiankwanta-Obuasi road, Kwadaso, Denkyemouso, Techiman to foase road network, Ejura, Bosomtwe and many other places they visited during a tour by his outfit needs to be constructed.
‘As I speak, letters have been written to our headquarters for consideration of some roads in Ashanti region. Since we can’t do it all at a go, we will take it one at a step to ensure we improve the road network in the region which are in deplorable state’, He revealed.
Speaking on how some people have taken the laws into their own hands by illegally cutting the roads to lay pipes and other things, the Ashanti regional highways director said, there are road bye-laws which must be enforced because it cost government millions of monies for a road to become asphalted.
The auto mechanics, Engineer Christian Nti, said is one group when it comes to road destruction, their names can’t be left out because“ in the middle of the road is where a mechanics is repairing a broken car”.
The regional highways director further said, the dumping of refuse into drains are also very bad because during raining season, the water that runs through the drains can’t take away some of the heavy refuge people have put into it.
Government is committed to improve road network in the country and that he is hopeful some Ashanti region roads would be considered because the move his office has undertaken will bring something good home when the time comes, He assured.
Engineer Christian Nti was of the view that as far as government is considering the development of the road network in the country, it is up to us as citizens to have a change of mindset about the way we handle public property.
He made an appeal to the media to use their medium and educate the people on road maintenance culture so that the country would not waste monies on reconstruction.

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