Tescon@20: NPP students storm Ho

As party of activities marking the 20th Anniversary of the Tertiary Students Confederacy of the New Patriotic Party (TESCON), the students stormed the streets of the Volta Regional Capital, Ho with a mammoth procession dubbed “Achievements Galore”.

The procession which commenced at the forecourt of the Regional Office of the NPP and ended on the campus of Ola Girls SHS, was characterized by massive display of the achievements of the Akufo-Addo led NPP government.

The hundreds of TESCON members who adorned themselves with the beautiful colors of the NPP paraded on the streets, shops, taxi stations and markets, sensitizing the indigenes of Ho on the need to give President Akufo-Addo and the NPP additional 4 years to government the country.

Speaking to the crowd at the end of the procession, the Youth Leader, Lawyer Henry Nana Boakye (Nana B ) expressed satisfaction with the commitment level of the TESCON members and charged them to continually trumpet the achievements of the government everywhere they find themselves.

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Nana B was flanked by his two hard working deputies, the sixteen (16) Regional Youth Organizers and their deputies, the National TESCON Coordinator and his deputies, and other officers of the National Youth wing as well as the 16 Regional TESCON Coordinators.

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