Trade Minister inuagurates National Boosting Intral-African Trade Technical working groups

The Minister of Trade and Industry has Inaugurated Ghana’s National Program of Action for Boosting Intra- African Trade (BIAT) Technical Committee held at Alisa hotel in Accra.

The Boosting of Intra-African trade requires the adoption and implementation of coherent and efficient trade policies at the national, regional and continental levels, which should be specifically geared to the promotion of Intra-African trade.

Mr. Alan K. Kyerematen, in his inaugural speech, mentioned that the mainstream of Intra-African trade is to develop a strategies that would enhance the role of private sector, informal private sector and women in trade policy formulation are necessary for the (BIAT).

The seven (7) description of clusters of Boosting Intra-African trade include, Trade Policy, Trade Facilitation, Enhancing Productive Capacity, Trade Related Infrastructure, Trade Finance, Trade Information and Factor Market Integration.

According to Mr. Kyerematen, the main objective of this cluster is to expedite the movement of goods across existing corridors, and reduce the time it takes to move goods from one destination to the other ( Across Borders).

He added that the major factor in the low level of Intra-African trade has been the numerous trade facilitation constraints. He said the removal of these constraints is critical to Boosting trade among African countries.

Touching on Trade Finance, the Minister hinted that is to develop and strengthen African Financial Institutions and mechanisms to investment and to promote Intra-African trade and investment.

The Technical Working Groups made up of Senior officials nominated to represent the lead institutions will develop and support the imprementation of the National programs of African plans for BIAT.

However, the National (AfCFTA ) coordinating office will be established under the ministry of trade as a one-stop shop and national coordination hub. The one-stop shop wiil be staffed and operated in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of National Security and Ministry of Finance.

The Members of the Trade policy consist of 16, Trade Facilitation 24, Productive Capacity 23, Trade Infrastructure 15, Finance 15, Trade Information 14 and Factor Market Integration 11, members.

Mr. Alan K. Kyerematen, the Sector Minister tasked the various Technical Working Groups and the committee to be convinced to the work they are going to do so that it will gerate profit for our mother Ghana.

He expressed his profound gratitude to the members and cautioned them to work hard to promote national development and made our Coyntry Ghana proud.

Report by Bernard k DADZIE

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