On behalf of the Minority in Parliament, I want to extend heartfelt congratulations to The Royal Storm Isaac Dogbe for successfully and brilliantly defending his title on Saturday.


His victory was deserved and impressive, it also goes a long to show how the young people in this country can excel if they remain focus, work hard and stay committed in everything they do and also when given the opportunities.


Through out the weekend social media has been flooded with messages about Isaac Dogbe and his country Ghana and how he is a good reminder of the good old days where the likes of prof. Azumah Nelson, Ike Quartet and several others brought a lot of attention on our country Ghana through boxing.


Ghana was the eventual beneficiary through tourism,trade and
Foreign Direct Investment.


Boxing in the country has huge potential,especially in getting our youth off the streets and finding meaningful alternatives for several others who maybe wasting away through tramadol and other drug abuse.

We are therefore using this important moment to ask government to pay attention to the sector and put in the needed investments to promote boxing and general sports in the country so that the youth of this country can benefit from it’s thrive.


We are also calling on the President to pass the L.I that is needed to fully operationalize the Sports Law,Act 934 that was passed by Parliament in 2016 and subsequently received a Presidential accent from the Former President,John Dramani Mahama who was a serious advocate for the Sports Law.


We believe if the law had been operationalized immediately this government took over, we would have a more robust way of dealing with the current crisis at the GFA because the law in complete state would provide a lot of solutions to the crisis in our football management today and sports as whole.


We want to wish Isaac Dogbe well and we call on all the young people in this country to emulate his strides and his bravery.

We again call on government to honour him deservedly so he can be a living example for our young people.


Once again we say kudos to him,The people of Ghana are proud of him,the People of Volta Region are very Proud of him and the Minority in Parliament says Ayekoo for a victory well deserved and inspiring!

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