UEW White Washes GIMPA in Men’s Soccer

The ongoing 26th Ghana Universities Sports Association (GUSA) games continue to record an interesting scorelines.

Notable among these scorelines wass the University of Education, Winneba’s (UEW) game against the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) which recorded cricket 7:1 for team UEW. The technical handles of UEW rested the entire first eleven players who had been featured regularly in UEW games. The fringe players, however, justified their inclusion by winning the game on such a wide margin.

The following are update from Day-Eleven of the ongoing GUSA games at Legon.

*Day 11 Wednesday 15th January, 2020*

*Handball Women*
UEW 60 vs KNUST 06
UG 50 vs UMaT 3

UCC 41 vs UDS 28

*Soccer Men*
UEW 7 vs GIMPA 1
UG 4 vs GIJ 1

UEW 2 vs UG 0

*Basketball Men*
UMaT 75 vs GIJ 26

*UEW’s Grace Atipaka and Eyram Yaa Migbodzi have all progressed on badminton ladies singles finals.*

*Breakdown of Medals* *for Team UEW*

*Gold 12*
*Silver 9*
*Bronze 13*

*Update by King Batuka (Media)*

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